Sunday, March 4, 2007

Alternate Ariel

Just as a side note, I started taking my dolls a step further and altering them in paint. For example, Ariel's shell color was pink on the website, so I colored it lilac/purple to make it closer to the original. I also made her eyes blue in the picture on the other blog. :D Who said I was becoming obsessed? Oh yeah, I admitted it like ages ago. [*Sigh* My neuroses only seems to be getting worse. Maybe it's a good thing that I only have 3 or so more.]

Also, the reason why I did a picture of Ariel with her hair up was to prove that the dress she's wearing had puffy sleeves originally, but when I added on the correct hair, it blocked them. Oh well. Oh! Good News. I figured out how to do Mulan, so you'll see her coming up soon enough. I think she'll be last though. First you'll see Alice and Pocahontas. Me so excited!


Sarah Rutti said...

Very well done sara, i really like them. Whose next in line?

SEP said...

Alice will be next.