Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Being Politically Correct Isn't all it's Cracked Up To Be

OK, so I admit, some of these might be a bit morbid, and definitely not politically correct, but they touched my funny bone and I thought someone out there might appreciate them as well. :D

Shout it loud, shout it proud!

Look! They're Good Morning pills. :D

Even if you're not familiar with Anime, you can still appreciate this one on a certain level ;D

And, one of my personal favorites!

(He he- there I go a laughing again.)

OK, enough! I need to study.
C'ya 'round.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Mulan has been the biggest challenge out of all the dolls I made for my Disney project. Originally I thought it would be impossible to create a Mulan using the doll makers. When I thought that to be the case, I found the following doll, which, while made by someone else, at least fit a part of the image I was looking for, and would give me something to post.
But, once I found an Asian robe at the, I created a Mulan to the best of my ability. That is what you see on the bottom left. But, I still felt the doll didn't look much like Mulan, so I edited her in paint (the only picture manipulating program I have since my computer crashed 4 months ago). I made her face thinner, her eyes a bit more almond shaped, and of course, I gave her a piece of hair falling into her eyes (that's a telltale Mulan thing :p). All in all, I am immensely proud of this doll. (I know it sounds stupid, but hey, I devoted a ridiculous amount of my time, my life, to this project. So good for me. *I pat myself on the back*)

<--- Original
"Doctored" --->

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Extra Extra, read all about it...

Pocahontas extras:
<--- This was before I found proper American Indian dress. She's cool, she's pretty, but she didn't quite look like Pocahontas - So I added a bunny to great affect, don't you think? ;D

Monday, March 5, 2007

Alice, is that you?

So, here is a prime example of my attempting to change the dolls. Originally, I had a lot of trouble getting the proper apron over the correct dress for the doll to be perfect. Here, I manually colored the dress of the doll on the right, since the dress I wanted wouldn't go under the apron. That's why it looks a bit different than the dress on the left. Similarly, I couldn't figure out at the time how to put the apron on the picture on the left, and eventually I turned to the manual doll maker. In the end, I had to save the apron in a separate file and overlap to two pictures. As you can see in my other blog, even that was difficult and took me many tries. That's the reason why one of the pictures appears shrunken. For some reason it took me multiple tries to create Alice with the apron and then save it as a picture. Don't ask...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Alternate Ariel

Just as a side note, I started taking my dolls a step further and altering them in paint. For example, Ariel's shell color was pink on the website, so I colored it lilac/purple to make it closer to the original. I also made her eyes blue in the picture on the other blog. :D Who said I was becoming obsessed? Oh yeah, I admitted it like ages ago. [*Sigh* My neuroses only seems to be getting worse. Maybe it's a good thing that I only have 3 or so more.]

Also, the reason why I did a picture of Ariel with her hair up was to prove that the dress she's wearing had puffy sleeves originally, but when I added on the correct hair, it blocked them. Oh well. Oh! Good News. I figured out how to do Mulan, so you'll see her coming up soon enough. I think she'll be last though. First you'll see Alice and Pocahontas. Me so excited!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Purim 2!

He he. I have a friend who once tried to convince me to die my hair blue. I suppose I would have looked something like this.

Answer to question asked on other blog: Yes! That's right! Another enjoyable Purim was spent dressed up like a pregnant married lady... Or at least, that's what I plan on doing tomorrow. I'll try to get you some pictures. ;D

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Jasmine - and Rafiki too!

You know Rafiki is the clincher. ^.^ "Get off the Princesses head! Good monkey."